Sunday, January 4, 2009

Perrito del agua

On a recent trip along the Atlantic coast of Uruguay, these nocturnal insects appeared one night by the dozens. An Uruguayan native called them "perritos del agua" (little water dogs) because they supposedly emerge prior to a rain. The book Latin American Insects and Entomology notes that dobsonfly larvae are often called "perros del agua." It doesn't look like an adult dobsonfly, but the black claw-like extensions on the first leg and the short translucent wings seem characteristic enough. All the individuals I saw were approximately 5 cm long. Anyone recognize this bugger?

Update 1/5/09: Prof. Doug Morse suggested that it might be a mole cricket. I'm sure he's right. See another photo of a mole cricket on Wikipedia.


  1. Hello! my name is pablo from Argentina y saw that bugger before one or two times in my life.Here in Argentina is called perrito de like to see more pictures of this little friend. espero q subas mas fotos de este insecto

  2. Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa Linnaeus!
